“R” Stands For Big Government

You can blame Obama, Reid, or Pelosi or even Bush for the state of the Union, but even all together they didn’t have the power to ruin the country.

The people responsible for our bankrupt nation are the people touting and voting for the lesser of two evils. They voted in liberal Republicans who empowered the socialists. If a third party of true Americans can’t win an election, we ain’t gonna make it no matter what ever else we do.

I don’t think that people voting third party have swung enough elections to have made any difference in getting libs elected. The people who voted for liberals just because they had an R in front of their name have created a lot of havoc though. They have had their way for long enough to take the blame for the way the country has gone over the years. That doesn’t mean you have to sell the farm when a self stated unamerican like Obama is running, but sometimes there is not much difference.

If two people are running and neither are for the American way, you can’t lose by not voting for the guy with an R in front of his name. If RINOs can’t win they will quit running. So if you don’t vote for them, you win no matter who gets elected.

So the key is to not let Obamas get elected, but if there is not a lot to lose, don’t vote for liberals with an R in front of their name. And DON’T send money to the Republican party. They will use it to make sure that an insider wins the primary. Send money to YOUR candidates ONLY. Money talks. If you keep giving the party your money and your vote they will keep selling you out. ALL POLITICIANS BENEFIT FROM BIG GOVERNMENT!
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