
“If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.” –comedian Jay Leno

Once again America lost the election. There
was no move to the Constitutional government our founding fathers envisioned. The party leaders chose the candidates, and “pragmatists” voted for them. I wrote in Peg Luksik for U.S. Senator from Pa. If Toomey was the best senator ever I would not vote for him ever. To paraphrase Thomas Sowell, whether Toomey is senator is not the important thing. The important thing is how he got to be the Republican candidate.

Once again, the Republican party was told that if they kept pushing them, the voters would elect them. This means they know business as usual will be OK. BHO is right about the electorate being dull. There are a lot of famous columnists who think that the Republicans will save the country. No matter how socialist they are. How do you think the uninformed or underinformed will vote? The Republicans just seem to hold the seats in Washington until the public is ready to elect their socialist brethren in the Democratic party again.

God does want us to vote. He gives us candidates in the primaries. If the parties don’t give them an equal shot and they do not get the nod, write them in on the general election or vote for a third party candidate. You may think you’re slowing the slide into socialism by voting Republican, but in reality, you’re just greasing the skids.
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