What health care overhaul? Oh, you mean the insurance takeover? What has been legislated to improve health care or its delivery?
Social Security and Medicare may be Unconstitutional, but they are real entitlements. People paid in to them and are entitled to get what they paid for. Just because you used the money for something else and mismanaged the program is no honest reason to delay payments to people who reach 65. It’s simply fraud. Stealing. Crooked. Dishonest. Pay what you owe and shut up. Get out of the medical business and Medicare will become solvent. Pay social Security for the intended purposes and it will become solvent once you repay the stolen money with interest. There is no reason these programs should even be considered budget items. Is it in the fine print?
There are speed limits and real speed limits. Apparently there are laws and real laws. When do I get to chose one?
The living, breathing what? What part of Constitution don’t you understand?
Molesting women and children is security?
Has the FBI done away with its profilers or was that just a movie and TV gimmick?
Has anyone ever thought that the man made mountains (skyscrapers, duh!) on the coasts and shores of the Great Lakes might have something to do with “climate change”? Maybe Al Gore was sleeping in school when they taught about the effect of the coastal mountains on the weather.
Do you think that if they started commissioning officers for their Americanism and military skills, instead of their political indoctrination, we might fight better wars?
If the government pays for everything where does the money originate?
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