Just the Facts

“If the Democratic Party gives up the vast spending that is driving the nation to fiscal catastrophe, that undermines its ability to win elections as a national political party. Democrats will fight for years to prevent such a spending “drought.”

But as it has suddenly become clear to the president and his strategists that they cannot be seen to be on the sidelines, they will have to offer what may seem like a plausible solution.

But even confiscating all the income of the rich cannot sufficiently fund the reduction in deficits. Nor can an end to sleight-of-hand waste, fraud and abuse in entitlements cover the gap. Ultimately, the Democrats either will not, in fact, deal with the deficit or they will have to do so by very heavily taxing the middle class. Either way, they want to keep spending, but they will try to hide those alternative realities.

Thus, the upcoming challenge for the Republicans will be less to persuade the country that entitlement reform is necessary (because the president will admit that). Instead, their task will be to: 1) Unmask the true nature of the Democrats’ purported proposals; 2) convince the country that a high-tax solution to the deficit threat will result in low economic growth; and 3) convince the country that the GOP low-tax solution will sustain the needed social safety net while inducing higher economic growth necessary to our future prosperity.

Politics is about to get much uglier – but possibly more productive.”
Tony Blankley

“My plan would start by cutting off all government transfer payments to billionaires. Many, if not most, people are probably unaware that the government is handing out the taxpayers’ money to billionaires. But agricultural subsidies go to a number of billionaires. Very little goes to the ordinary farmer.

Big corporations also get big bucks from the government, not only in agricultural subsidies but also in the name of “green” policies, in the name of “alternative energy” policies, and in the name of whatever else will rationalize shoveling the taxpayers’ money out the door to whomever the administration designates, for its own political reasons.

The usual political counter-attacks against spending cuts will not work against this new kind of spending cut approach. How many heart-rending stories can the media run about billionaires who have lost their handouts from the taxpayers? How many tears will be shed if General Motors gets dumped off the gravy train?”
Thomas Sowell

The conservatives, especially the Republicans, don’t seem to be able to get this message out. It seems silly that anyone would even consider spending a billion on a campaign, but a group should be able to get their whole slate elected by spending a little getting the facts out. Don’t demonize like the Dems do, but say what you will do and then make damn sure you do it! “We’ll do good stuff” doesn’t cut it. Neither does “They’re bad guys”. When you can say the right things to get elected and don’t say them, the stupid and ignorant public pays no attention or thinks you’re lying. Are you as stupid and ignorant as the public or are you lying?

So if by some slim chance there is a conservative candidate who reads this, get some real talking points and cut the bull. You can’t beat liberals with rhetoric. But:
“I have always defended the public whenever I hear someone, more often from the left side of the aisle than the right, opine that most Americans are hopelessly stupid. Almost no one is hopeless.”Arnold Ahlert.
Most Americans aren’t liberals, you can’t confuse them with the facts.
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