I forgot to mention in my last email – which provided the list of IB schools in your state – that most programs are within public schools. But, there are private World Schools – whose focus is the promotion of Agenda 21.
If you intend to research these textbooks, you will need to determine if any of the schools listed are private – as what they do is not within our “domain”. We can only take action with public schools.
There are no “set” IB textbooks. A few websites sell approved IB textbooks. It is up to the teacher to choose a textbook from those provided. Therefore, there may not be consistency from one school to the other. Below are a few websites that sell these textbooks:
You would need to contact each school to find out which textbooks are being used.
IB Programs are K-12 – but we are only focused on Middle and High Schools.
Sheri Krass
State Chair, Florida Textbook Action Network (TAN)
National Co-Chair, Eye On US Education (EUSE)
http://www.eyeonuseducation.org Under Construction
Islam-Biased Textbooks
by School Districts
District Grade Subject Publisher Date Title
Alachua 10/11th U.S. History (Honors) McDougal-Littell 2005 The Americans
Alachua 7th World Geography Glencoe 2005 The World and its People
Alachua 9th World History Glencoe 2005 World History
Alachua 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Baker 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Baker 6-7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People
Baker 9-12 World Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Baker 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History
Bay High School AP U. S. History #1 McDougal Littell 2004 The American Pagent
Bay High School American History #1 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The American Vision
Bay High School American History #2 McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans
Bay Middle School M/J World Geography #2 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The World and its People
Bay High School AP World History #2 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004 Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Bay Middle School M/J World Geography #1 McDougal Littell 2005 World Cultures and Geography
Bay High School World Cultural Geography #2 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 World Geography
Bay High School World Cultural Geography #1 McDougal Littell 2005 World Geography, 2005
Bay High School World History #1 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 World History
Bay 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Bradford 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans
Bradford 9-12 World Geography McDougal Littell 2005 World Geography
Bradford 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Brevard 2nd Level AP American History McDougal Littell 2006 The American Pagent
Brevard 2nd Level American History Honors McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Brevard 2nd Level AP World History Glencoe 2003 Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Brevard 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Broward 7 Geography Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005 People, Places & Change
Broward 9-12 American History Honors McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans
Broward 9-12 US History McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans
Broward 9-12 World History Pearson/Prentice Hall 2005
World History: Connections to Today Survey
Broward 10-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Calhoun 11 History Glencoe-McGraw Hill 2005 The American Vision
Calhoun 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005 World History: Patterns of Interaction
Charlotte AP World History Houghton Mifflin 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Citrus 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Citrus 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell The Earth and its People (Bulliet)
Citrus 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe World Geography, Boehm
Citrus 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe World History
Clay 9-12 Social Studies – American Government Glencoe 2005 The Americans
Clay 9-12 Honors Social Studies – American History McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans
Clay 7 Social Studies – World Geography Glencoe 2005 The World and its People
Clay 9-12 Social Studies – World Cultural Geography Glencoe 2005
World Geography
Clay 7 Social Studies – World History Glencoe 2005 World History
Clay 7 Social Studies – World History Honors Glencoe 2005 World History
Collier 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Collier 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Collier 7 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and its People, Eastern Hemisphere
Collier 6 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and its People, Western Hemisphere
Collier 9-12 Social Studies Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005
World Geography Today
Copyright (c) 2009 by Citizens for National Security (CFNS). Information contained in this document may not be reproduced without the written approval of CFNS, P.O. Box 880302, Boca Raton, FL 33488. 561-483-6430.
Islam-Biased Textbooks
by School Districts
Collier 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Collier 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Collier 2nd Level World History, World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005 World History: Patterns of Interaction
DeSoto 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
DeSoto 7 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and its People
DeSoto 10 World History McDougal Littell 2005 World History: Patterns of Interaction
Dixie 9-12 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World Geography
Dixie 9-12 World History Prentice Hall World History: Connections to Today Survey
Dixie 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Duval 11 Social Studies Glencoe Glencoe American History (Using American Vision)
Duval 10 Social Studies Glencoe World History
Escambia 9-12 US History AP McDougal Littell 2002
The American Pageant
Escambia 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Escambia 6-8 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People: Asia, Oceania, Africa
Escambia 6-8 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People: Europe and The Americas
Escambia 9-12 World History Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World History
Escambia 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Flagler 8 US History Pearson/Prentice Hall 2005
The American Nation
Flagler 8 American History Pearson/Prentice Hall 2005
The American Nation
Flagler 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Franklin 7 World Geography Glencoe 2005 The World and its People
Franklin 9 World History Glencoe 2005 World History
Gadsden 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The American Vision
Gadsden 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The World and its People
Gadsden 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 World Geography, 2005 Edition
Gadsden 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 World History
Gilcrest 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005 The Americans
Gilcrest 6 Geograpy McDougal Littell 2005 World Cultures and Geography-Eastern Hemisphere
Gilcrest 7 Geography McDougal Littell 2005 World Cultures and Geography-Western Hemisphere and Europe
Gilcrest 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005 World History: Patterns of Interactions
Glades 7 Social Studies Holt Rinehart and Winston 2005 People, Places & Change
Glades K-5 Social Studies Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005 People, Places & Change
Glades 8 World History Glencoe 2005 World History
Gulf 11 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The American Vision
Gulf 10 World History Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The Human Experience
Gulf 7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The World and its People
Hamilton 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005 The World and its People
Hamilton 9-12 Social Studies Prentice Hall 2000
World Geography
Hamilton 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005 World History
Hardee 7 Social Studies Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005 People, Places & Change
Hardee 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005 The American Vision
Hendry 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Hendry 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Hendry 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and its People, Eastern Hemisphere
Hendry 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and its People, Western Hemisphere
Hendry 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World Geography
Hendry 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Copyright (c) 2009 by Citizens for National Security (CFNS). Information contained in this document may not be reproduced without the written approval of CFNS, P.O. Box 880302, Boca Raton, FL 33488. 561-483-6430.
Islam-Biased Textbooks
by School Districts
Hernando 3 Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: Communities Long Ago and Today
Hernando 9-12 AP Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The American Pageant
Hernando 9-12 AP Social Studies Houghton Mifflin 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Hernando 7 Social Studies Glencoe The World and its People – Western hemisphere, Europe and Russia
Hernando 6 Social Studies Glencoe The World and its People, Eastern Hemisphere
Hernando 9-12 Social Studies Holt World Geography Today
Highlands 7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and it’s People
Hillsborough 6-8 World Geography, Asia, Africa, Oceania Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005
People, Places, and Change: An Introduction to World Studies, Eastern Hemisphere
Hillsborough 9-12 American History McDougall Little 2005
The Americans
Hillsborough 6-8 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People, Western Hemisphere, with Europe and Russia
Hillsborough 9-12 World History AP Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2003
Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Hillsborough 9-12 World Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Hillsborough 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Holmes 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Holmes 6-8 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People
Holmes 9-12 Social Studies Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005
World History: The Human Journey
Indian River 8 American History Prentice Hall 2005
The American Nation with a Focus on Florida History
Indian River 9-12 American History Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Indian River 9-12 World History Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005
World History The Human Journey
Indian River 9-12 World History Pearson Prentice Hall 2005 World History: Connections to Today
Indian River 9-12 World History Honors Prentice Hall 2003
World History: Connections to Today
Indian River 9-12 World History Honors Prentice Hall 2005 World History: Connections to Today Survey
Jackson 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Jefferson 6 Social Studies Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005
People, Places & Change
Jefferson 10 World History Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Jefferson 7 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Lafayette Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Lafayette Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Lake 9-12 American History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
The American Pageant
Lake 6-8 Geogrtaphy Glencoe 2005
The World and its People
Lake 9-12 World History AP Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Lake 9-12 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World Geography
Lake 9-12 World History Glencoe 2005
World History
Lake 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Lee 9-12 AP US History McDougal Littell 2002/12e
The American Pagent
Lee 9-12 American History Glencoe 2005/2e
The American Vision
Lee 9-12 American History Honors McDougal Littell 2005/2e
The Americans
Lee 7 M/J World geography Glencoe 2005/1e
The World and its People
Lee 9-12 AP World History Glencoe 2003/2e
Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Lee 9-12 Geography McDougal Littell 2005/1e
World Geography
Lee 9-12 East/West Heritage Glencoe 2005/2e
World History
Lee 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005/1e
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Leon 9-12 American History Honors Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The American Vision
Leon 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Levy 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Levy 6-8 Geography/ World History McDougal Littell 2005
World Cultures and Geography
Levy 9-12 World Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Levy High School World History #2 McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interaction
Copyright (c) 2009 by Citizens for National Security (CFNS). Information contained in this document may not be reproduced without the written approval of CFNS, P.O. Box 880302, Boca Raton, FL 33488. 561-483-6430.
Islam-Biased Textbooks
by School Districts
Liberty 6 Social Studies Holt Rinehart and Winston 2005
People, Places & Change Eastern Hemisphere
Liberty 7 Social Studies Holt Rinehart and Winston 2005
People, Places & Change Western World
Liberty 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Madison 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Madison 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Manatee 6-9 American History Pearson Prentice Hall The American Nation with a Focus on Florida History
Manatee 9-12 American History Glencoe The American Vision
Manatee 9-12 American History McDougal Littell The Americans: Reconstruction
Manatee 6-9 Geography Glencoe The World and its People
Manatee 9-12 Geography Glencoe World Geography
Manatee 9-12 Geography McDougal Littell World Geography
Manatee 9-12 World History Glencoe World History
Marion 9-12 AP U.S. History MsDougal Littell 2002
The American Pageant
Marion 9-12 American History MsDougal Littell 2005
The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Marion 9-12 AP World History McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Marion 6-7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People
Marion 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Martin 9-12 US History Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Martin 6 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People, Eastern Hemisphere
Martin 7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People, Western Hemisphere
Martin 9-12 World Geography Holt, Rinehart & Winston 2005
World Geography Today
Martin 9-12 World History Glencoe 2005
World History
Miami-Dade 9-12 American History Holt McDougal The Americans
Miami-Dade 9-12 World Histroy – AP Holt McDougal The Earth and its People: A Global History
Miami-Dade 6-8 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill The World and its People
Miami-Dade 9-12 Global Studies Prentice Hall/Pearson Education World Cultures: A Global Mosaic
Miami-Dade 9-12 World Geography Holt McDougal World Geography Today
Miami-Dade 9-12 World Histroy Glencoe McGraw-Hill World History
Miami-Dade 9-12 World History McDougall Little 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Monroe 9 American History Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Monroe 7 World Geography Glencoe 2005
The World and its People
Monroe 10 World History Glencoe 2005
World History
Nassau 6 Social Studies Holt, Rinehart & Winston People, Places and Changes
Nassau 6-9 Social Studies Pearson Prentice Hall The American Nation
Nassau 7 Social Studies Prentice Hall The American Nation
Nassau 11 Social Studies McDougal Littell The American Pageant
Nassau 11 Social Studies McDougal Littell The Americans
Nassau 11 Social Studies McDougal Littell The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Nassau 10 Social Studies McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interactions
Okaloosa 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell The American Pageant
Okaloosa 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell The Americans
Okaloosa 6-9 Social Studies Glencoe The World and its People
Okaloosa 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell World Geography Florida Edition
Okaloosa 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Okeechobee 9-12 Social Studies Houghton Mifflin The American Pageant
Okeechobee 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/Mcgraw Hill 2005
The American Vision
Okeechobee 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Orange 9-12 United States History AP McDougal Littell 2004
The American Pageant
Orange 9-12 American History Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004
The American Vision
Copyright (c) 2009 by Citizens for National Security (CFNS). Information contained in this document may not be reproduced without the written approval of CFNS, P.O. Box 880302, Boca Raton, FL 33488. 561-483-6430.
Islam-Biased Textbooks
by School Districts
Orange 9-12 World History AP McDougal Littell 2004
The Earth and its People (Bulliet)
Orange 9-12 World History AP Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2004
Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Orange 9-12 Global Studies McDougal Littell 2004
World Geography
Orange 9-12 World History Glencoe McGraw-Hill 2004
World History
Orange 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interaction
Osceola 9-12 American History Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The American Vision
Osceola 9-12 World History AP McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Osceola 6 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People
Osceola 7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and its People
Osceola 8 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Osceola 9-12 World Cultural Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Osceola 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2004
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Palm Beach 9-12 American History AP McDougal Littell 2002
The American Pageant
Palm Beach 9-12 American History Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Palm Beach 9-12 American History Honors Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Palm Beach 6 World Cultures McDougal Littell 2005
World Cultures and Geography
Palm Beach 9-12 World Cultural Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Palm Beach 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Palm Beach 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Pasco 9-12 American History Honors Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The American Vision
Pasco 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Pasco 6-8 World Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Cultures and Geography
Pasco 9-12 World History Honors Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World History
Pasco 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Pinellas 9-12 American History Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The American Vision
Pinellas 9-12 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World Geography
Polk 9-12 American History AP McDougal Littell The American Pageant
Polk 9-12 American History McDougal Littell The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Polk 9-12 Geography Honors Holt, Rinehart & Winston World Geography Today
Polk 9-12 World History Honors Glencoe World History
Polk 9-12 World Histroy – Honors Holt McDougal World History: The Human Journey
Putnam 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Putnam 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Putnam 6-8 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World Cultures and Geography
Putnam 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Putnam 9-12 Social Studies Prentice Hall 2005
World History: Connections to Today Survey Edition
Santa Rosa 3 Social Studies Houghton Mifflin 2006
Social Studies: Communities Long Ago and Today
Santa Rosa 10 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Santa Rosa 11 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Santa Rosa 10 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Santa Rosa 11 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Santa Rosa 6 Social Studies Glencoe 2006
World and its People
Santa Rosa 7 Social Studies Glencoe 2006
World and its People
Santa Rosa 9 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
World History
Santa Rosa 9 Social Studies Glencoe 2003
World History
Santa Rosa 9 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History
Sarasota 6-8 Social Studies Pearson Prentice Hall 2005
The American Nation with a Focus on Florida History
Sarasota 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/Mcgraw Hill 2005
The American Vision
Sarasota 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe/Mcgraw Hill 2003
Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Sarasota 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Sarasota 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Sarasota 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Copyright (c) 2009 by Citizens for National Security (CFNS). Information contained in this document may not be reproduced without the written approval of CFNS, P.O. Box 880302, Boca Raton, FL 33488. 561-483-6430.
Islam-Biased Textbooks
by School Districts
Seminole 9-12 American History Honors Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The American Vision
Seminole 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Seminole 9-12 World History AP McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Seminole 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
St Johns 9-12 American History Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
St Johns 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
St Johns 9-12 World Culture Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
St Johns 9-12 World History AP Glencoe 2005
World History
St Johns 9-12 World History McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interaction
St Lucie 9-12 American History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
St Lucie 9-12 World History AP McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
St Lucie 7 World Geography Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
St Lucie 9-12 World History AP Glencoe 2003
Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
St Lucie 9-12 World Cultures Geography McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
St Lucie 9-12 World History Glencoe 2005
World History
St Lucie 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Sumter 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2004
Human Heritage: A World History
Sumter 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Sumter 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Sumter 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World Geography
Sumter 9-12 World History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Suwannee 8 Social Studies Prentice Hall 2005
The American Nation
Suwannee 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Suwannee 7 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Taylor 6-8 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The World and it’s People
Taylor 9-12 Social Studies Holt 2005
World History
Union 9-12 Social Studies Glencoe 2005
The American Vision
Union 9-12 World Geography Holt 2008
World Geography Today
Union 9th World History (Honors) McDougal-Littell 2005 World History: Patterns of Interaction
Volusia 9-12 Advanced Placement American History McDougal Littell 2005
The American Pageant / 12th Edition (DeLand, deltona & Pine Ridge)
Volusia 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Volusia 9-12 American History Honors McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans
Volusia 9-12 Advanced Placement American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Volusia 6 World History McGraw Hill/Glencoe 2006
World History: Journey Across Time
Volusia 9-12 World History McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Wakulla 3 Social Studies Houghton Mifflin 2005
Social Studies: Communities Long Ago and Today
Wakulla 9-12 US History AP Houghton Mifflin 2006
The American Pageant
Wakulla 9-12 American History Honors Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The American Vision
Wakulla 9-12 World Cultural Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World Geography
Wakulla 9-12 World History Honors Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
World History
Walton 9-12 World History AP McDougal Littell The American Pageant
Walton 6-8 World Geography Glencoe/McGraw-Hill The World and it’s People
Walton 9-12 World Cultural Geography McDougal Littell World Geography
Walton 9-12 Social Studies McDougal Littell 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Washington 9-12 US History AP McDougal Littell 2002
The American Pageant
Washington 9-12 American History McDougal Littell 2005
The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century
Washington 9-12 World History AP McDougal Littell 2005
The Earth & It’s People
Washington 6-7 Social Studies Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and it’s People
Washington 9-12 World History AP Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 2005
The World and it’s People
Copyright (c) 2009 by Citizens for National Security (CFNS). Information contained in this document may not be reproduced without the written approval of CFNS, P.O. Box 880302, Boca Raton, FL 33488. 561-483-6430.