It’s Time

American patriotism and the preservation of constitutional liberty should be the guiding force in life. Only God and not even religion should be above these principles. For without them your right to freely practice your religion has been taken away by atheists and fanatics. If there is to be a separation of church and state, how can the government refuse your right to pray?
They can do whatever you let them. Every time you vote for the lesser of two evils you vote away your rights. Every time you vote for the party, the union, or the new benefit, you vote away what made this country great and vote in what the rest of the world comes to America to get away from. Except of course those who come to steal the gold bricks from our streets. Those who whine for freebies at your expense.
Now is the time to change it back. Tomorrow may be too late. It’s almost gone. Once lost, it’s gone forever. Don’t allow the hand-picked party suck holes to be elected. In Pa. the Republican party has rejected calls from the people for grass roots choices. If elected, the party bosses choices will persevere in the politics as usual of insider Washington.
Remember, when you vote not to “waste my vote”, you are voting to throw away your constitutional rights. It’s almost gone. You cannot afford to vote any way except American this time. Now is the time you can bring it back. Now is the time you can throw it away for good. They almost own you and your country now. If you don’t stand up now, you may not have a leg to stand on.
We the people have risen.
Will we speak?
Can you say….. LIBERTY
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