Election Year Notions

By Burt Prelutsky
The reason that a college degree has become essential in 2010 isn’t because four years of liberal arts is actually required to hold down 98% of all jobs, but because the Left requires those four years in order to turn millions of young people into sheep willing to buy into every piece of leftist claptrap, ranging from the dangers of global warming to the evils of capitalism. The Left also needed those four years of exorbitant expenses in order that the kids who majored in black, Hispanic and lesbian studies would be able to earn a living teaching it to other blockheads.

You still have to hand it to them. After all, it shouldn’t be that easy convincing young Americans that Palestinian suicide bombers are the moral superiors of Israelis or that Cuba’s health care system is superior to America’s. But when their parents willingly blow upwards of $25,000-a-year so that nutball professors can fill their empty heads with left-wing hogwash, why wouldn’t they soak it up like brainless sponges? It isn’t always fair to blame the parents for the sins of their children, but these are clear-cut cases of child abuse.
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