America can’t stand much more of what is happening in Washington D.C.

We have a Government (Democrat & Republican) this isn’t a party issue……..the entire Government is only concerned with how many new taxes they can come up with and how they can personally profit from it. Comments and News Events from the White House have stopped the recovery in its tracks, sent the stock market falling and slowed the recovery. Statistical numbers being released from the government are wrong or manipulated then revised later, events that cause wild daily fluctuations in the Stock Market.

I find all of this puzzling and I’m not alone, personally I think that a small group of very sophisticated traders (mafia) currently have control of Washington D.C., our President is not the leader, just darn good at drawing attention away from what is really happening.
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One Response to America can’t stand much more of what is happening in Washington D.C.

  1. Why the gods allow this sort of thing to continue is a mystery.

    Sent via Blackberry

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