Constitutional Compact

Peg Luksik’s
Constitutional Compact
Ten Steps to Put America Back on Track
1. Restore Constitutional Authority.
The federal government has far
exceeded its constitutional limits. We
need to return to the states their
proper authority by applying a
Constitutional litmus test to all new
federal programs and evaluating the
Constitutionality of existing federal
programs during the appropriations
2. Balance the Federal Budget. Forty nine
states have a statutory or
constitutional requirement that their
budget be balanced, but Washington
does not. We need to amend the
Constitution to require that
expenditures match revenues for
everv passedbudget.
3. Prohibit Additional Taxes or Tax
Increases. Balancing the budget
cannot result in new taxes to increase
revenue so Washington can increase
spending. We need to oppose any
additional taxes and/or tax increases.
4. Revamp and Simplify the Federal
Tax Code. Washington has created a
system of taxation that punishes
every American. We need to
overhaul the federal tax code to make
it simpler. more understandable. and
more fair.
5. End Federal Government
Exemptions. There is no ruling class
in America. Therefore, Congress
should not be allowed to exempt
itself from any legislation that passes.
We need to pass a law stating that all
legislation passed by Congress and
signed by the President must apply to
Congress and the President.
6. Reassert American Sovereignty.
Americans should be governed by
laws passed by our own
representative government, not an
unelected body that our citizens
cannot hold accountable. We need to
insist that Washington refuse to give
control of our military, our justice
system, or our courts to any entity not
specified in the Constitution.
7. Close the Borders. Illegal
immigration is an economic issue, a
justice issue, and a national security
issue that must be addressed
immediately. As the first step in
dealing with illegal immigration we
need to close the borders using all of
the resources at our disposa1.
8. Audit the Federal Reserve. The
Federal Reserve controls how all
American money and credit flows,
and yet it has never been subject to
an open and transparent audit. As a
first step in getting a grip on our
debt problem, we need to require an
audit of the Federal Reserve.
9. American Energy Independence.
To promote real economic
development and protect our
national security, America must
develop its own energy resources.
Washington has stopped this
development. Therefore, we need to
return energy development to the
control of the states.
10. Repeal America’s Affordable
Health Care Choices Act. We need
to back Washington out of our
health care before it becomes
entrenched. Therefore, we need to
repeal America’s Affordable Health
Care Choices Act, passed in March
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