The same pundits who say we have lots of money to fund a war of aggression in a country where we have no national interest, and keep yammering about what we owe the Chinese, are also the ones who say we have no funds to pay the American for what he paid taxes.
The American taxpayer is not only ripped off for Unconstitutional giveaways, but the taxes taken for specific purposes is siphoned off for more illegal activities. It’s bad enough that the taxpayer is being robbed, but the gov’t isn’t performing the duties for which it was formed. The Supremes have said that the people have no right to protection from violent criminals, but that the gov’t must protect known criminals from violations of rights not in the law or the Constitution.
The gov’t not only is overstepping their authority, but is not performing their duties. The financial crisis and the national debt are momentous difficulties we must confront, but the solution to all our problems is simply to require the gov’t to perform their legal responsibilities. The voters forced Crockett out for a lot less than todays politicians have or have not done.
“It’s a simple answer after all.” Ronald Reagan
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