First off, about the birth certificate. If a man with his money, crooked friends, and power couldn’t come up with a birth certificate after two years, he’s even stupider and more incompetent than his detracters think. Since it wasn’t done in a timely fashion it means nothing. It’s the Constitution stupid. The people have a right to know that the occupant of the White House is the legitimate president. O’Obama and his socialist congress just wiped their asses on the supreme law of the land again. No kudos to the Supremes either. The people snickering about the birthers miss the real point.
Do we have a president or a commission running the country? The first place to cut spending is on commissions. If the president can’t handle his job, let him hire his own substitutes. Congress spends too much money on aides, junkets, hearings, commissions, etc. also. Congress gets paid way too much anyway. And a commission to study high gas prices. Get real. No kudos to oil execs, but it’s Obummer stupid.
And the economy. Everybody is trying to put grannie on an ice floe. O’Obama is way slicker if not smarter than the GOP. He just stole her health care by sneaking it into grand theft healthcare. You have to kill grannie to see what’s in it. Have you seen some of the other things in it? View. Social Security belongs to her. Congress “borrowed” it. Make congress pay it back. They don’t deserve their pay and neither does gov’t motors. Cut out subsidies, grants, etc. and pay what you owe. It’s honesty stupid.
And we’re at war with moslems. I don’t want to hear about the “good” moslems who only subsidize and let their names be used by militants. Stand up and be counted or sit down and shut up.
Most people are self serving these days. You only get what you pay for. At best. Any black liberals reading this are unlikely, but if you are, learn which side the butter’s on. Be a little more self serving and learn who your friends are. And remember racism sucks.
Guns. Honest people are only dangerous to criminals. Against honest citizens carrying guns? I’m afraid of you!
Conspiracy theories. If you can think of it the Gov’t probably already did it. That’s what commissions are for. Out of ten random theories I’ll bet there’s a basis for nine. Have you ever heard of the medical research on prisoners, the military, and others. Pearl Harbor is a real mystery. Hah!
Finally, there is a movement for a New World Order. O’Obama admits and is for it. Big George the same. This one’s not a theory.
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