The good, the bad, and the ugly

I was going to write a scathing article, but I decided to wait until I could be a little more polite. But just a little. Maybe I’ll get to that after I write this.

Why are conservatives considered right wing? Commies are left and Fascists are right. Conservatives by definition should not even be middle of that road. The trouble is the same as with Republicans. They don’t believe or do what they’re supposed to. Conservatives are for conservation. Conservatives are for keeping all the good things in this country. How many people calling themselves Conservative do not have some pet bias that gets translated into “right wing”.

Some of my favorite columnists take an unconservative stand when they oppose a person or issue. They are willing to destroy the good with the evil. They are less rancorous than the other guys, but they still get lost in their own steam. And they just can’t seem to understand that a good thing done wrong would still be good if a jerk wasn’t doing it.

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